Stories From The Head

Riding The Guggocopter

Puledokka was interested in things that could affect other things in ways that were uncommonly cruel. He had been saving up money to buy some items that would be of great help for him in his battle to achieve this noble goal. The problem was that he couldn't make up his mind about his investments. He COULD buy the Bękka-turbine (illegal), or he could put all his monetary riches into a guggocopter (legal, but let's face it, not very effective). This scared Puledokka, but as his mentor and friend abbed Dippidupp (they were both monks) once put it "There is nothing to fear but fear itself"... or was that "Fear is a substitute for happiness"...or maybe "Fear: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing"...or..."Strawberries, I'd like some strawberries. Nooo, not the small ones." He knew he had to call abbed Dippidupp on the oxameter. "Abbed Dippidupp" he whispered. No answer, as usual. Abbed Dippidupp was probably in a good mood, or even dead, since he didn't answer. "I want know, what is expression?" (Puledokka could never get his grammar right on the oxameter). He could hear the abbed breathing in the other end (he wasn't dead). Suddenly the previously unbought guggocopter kicked into action. "NOOOOO!" abbed Dippidupp screamed through the oxameter. "The expression is not "There's nothing to fear but fear itself", it's..." As he was fatally assaulted by the guggocopter, Puledokka was filled with fond memories of abbed Dippidupp, and, in spite of the intense pain he felt, he suddenly remembered the expression: "Never turn your back on a guggocopter". He died happy...
