Stories From The Head

Watching Sesk Dance

Watching Sesk dance was almost the only thing Rynke could remember ever enjoying. Sesk was a tall woman. Really tall. About 239 cm, actually, and that was just her upper body! But boy could she dance. At least Rynke thought so. Attempting to make contact with her was difficult, at least for Rynke. Once he'd even gathered up the courage to speak to her. He went up to her  and put his head really close to her face and screamed loudly: "LOSA! LOSA!". She didn't react, and Rynke’s body went totally numb from the waist down. His brother, Kultur, had no sympathy for Rynke's obsession with Sesk. Their relationship was made stronger by this fact, but no one cared. Two weeks later the love for Sesk was out of Rynke's head. And this, as you might have guessed, was marked by a big pink party...
