Stories From The Head



The Author

Sandra couldn’t actually SEE his mother, but he was convinced she was there. He made a sudden move, to see if he could provoke a reaction. Nothing happened, which was good...Sandra had namely been afraid that NOTHING would happen... "Ækkåppi", he shouted, "ækkåppi!" He heard a feeble voice coming from the bushes: "Kåsseblækk, is that you?" "Yes, this is Kåsseblækk, he said, don’t be afraid...I’m Kåsseblækk...sure I’m Kåsseblækk..." All of a sudden, Sandra’s mother, Limpompa, appeared. "Oh, my God... I thought you were Kåsseblækk...!" "Of course you did, of course you did...but it’s all right now...just get undressed, and everything will be just fine..." Sandra once more took his mother to the cave, the cave of Pito (Pito was the former ruler of the village of Tussi). Once inside, the father of both Sandra and Limpompa appeared. His name was Rogurt. "I’m so glad to see you..." The author of this story was found dead the next morning, and all of them, Sandra, Ækåppi, Kåsseblækk, Limpompa, Pito and Rogurt, all of them knew this meant nothing...

