Stories From The Head

Another Story

Mektig soared through the air on her high-powered flying llama. Llamas were unique animals, not only because their name starts with two L’s, but because they, if properly fed, can grow wings and fly at speeds up to 2 mph. Following her catastrophic discovery (involving two locked doors and one certain hardware-store clerk) at Ræva, the youth hotel, she had taken up a different career: WIZARDRY! She had used all her money to buy a magic tower, known as the tower of Bestemor, and married Tykjen, a young elf. If you’d met Mektig three hours earlier, you never would have thought of her as the elf-marrying wizard-type, but there you are. Apart from the flying llama, Mektig hadn’t performed any tricks. Why?

1)              She hated magic (living in the magic tower of Bestemor was true horror)

2)              She didn’t love Tykjen, and neither did he.

3)              She was dead.

4)              A young man called Spruteflaske had stolen the brass faslik.

5)              She hated the brass faslik.

6)              She hated Spruteflaske.

7)              The same as 1, 2, 4 and 6.

8)              The same as 3, 5 and 7.

9)              She loved sex.

10)         So did Spruteflaske and Tykjen.

11)         They were having an affair.

12)         Mektig knew it.

13)         She had no wizard-abilities whatsoever.

14)         End of reasons.

There you have it. There was no single reason for Mektig’s failure as a wizard, although 3 and 13 were powerful enough. She knew she had to divorce Tykjen, and this filled her with joy. Two hours later the marriage was history and Tykjen had moved in with Spruteflaske. The brass faslik was back in the tower of Bestemor. So was Mektig. She had never left. Neither had the brass faslik...
