Stories From The Head

A Story

Dæsma hated his job. Being the evening caretaker at a place like Ræva Youth Hotel had been Dæsma’s dream since he was a little boy, but he’d never understood how much work it really was. First of all, he had to unlock the door when he arrived. Then he had to enter his office (unlocking the office door too). After 4,5 hours, he was finally able to leave, LOCKING the two doors he’d unlocked aprox. 4,5 hours earlier. For this he received almost the same amount of money as his entertainment-partner, Håpet, who worked part-flexi-time at a hardware store run by Oluf’s son Lars. Dæsma and Håpet’s only comfort was when they were able to entertain the masses in a 20-minute show tailor-made for the local Pokkas-tables at a nearby hotel known as Dirrytopp. They loved every minute of it, relishing in the polite laughter and random applause they received during the performance. Dæsma sat in his office producing another page of art, known as ”Story From The Mouth”, when he suddenly got up...

...and sat down again. He left shortly afterwards, using the northern bliddo-exit to the stars. When Mektig, the youth hotel principal, entered the office the next day, she realised to her horror that all the doors were open. Dæsma had never locked them, thus only fulfilling 50% of his tasks at Ræva. Two days later, Dæsma had started working for Oluf’s son Lars, Håpet had gone to Ruha, and Mektig...well, that’s another story...
