Stories From The Head

Exploring One’s Dog 

The following conversation never took place:

Tomo:         Klapf klapf!


Tomo:         Ah, an angel in our midst! (Glances at the old lady that just entered the room)… did I say angel? I meant cunt. A cunt in our midst!

               (Distant applause)

Old Lady:      Tomo?

Tomo:          …no…

Old Lady:      Klapf klapf!

Tomo:          Ok, goddammit! I’m Tomo! So what?

(Ecstatic applause, followed by distant applause)

Old Lady:      Cunt?

Tomo:          …

Old Lady:      I’m Tomo!

Old Lady:     (Formerly Tomo) Klapf klapf!

Tomo:          Ah, an angel in our midst!

               (The old lady enters the room again)

Tomo:          (Original Tomo) 2? Two cunts?!

Old Lady #1:   Yes?

Old Lady #2:   Klapf klapf!

               (Tomo quietly understands)

Tomo:          ?

               (A dog enters the room)

Tomo, Old Lady #1 & 2:  Cunt?

Dog:           Klapf klapf!

(Distant applause, followed by distant applause)

Tomo:          Klapf klapf!

(Everyone leaves the room, except the dog, old lady #1 & 2)

Dog:           ?

               (Tomo enters the room)

Tomo:          (Laughs)

               (Laughter, followed by quiet chanting)

Tomo:          Well, well, little doggy!

               (Tomo explores the dog)

Dog            ?

               (The room is empty)

Tomo’s mother:     Cunt?

(Silence, followed by distant chanting, closely followed by distant applause)

That’s it…
