Stories From The Head

Mr. Svin Comes Crashing Through The Window

This rather engaging story takes place in a laboratory. The principal characters are; Midi, a surgeon, Lomagoz, a beautiful woman, and Zebbeh, their midget friend. Oh, and a men named Mr. Svin may, or may not, show up. As Lomagoz started preparing her final experiment on the rather unlucky hamster Zebbeh had “conditioned” for her, she started thinking. She thought about dolphins, badgers, educational videos, being “a bit off-key”, nice cabins, garbage disposal, young civilizations, her hair, orphans, forests etc. She did NOT, however, think about the experiment she was about to perform: She was going to turn the hamster into… ANOTHER HAMSTER!! She wasn’t going to clone the hamster, or duplicate it in any way. She was simply going to turn it into… ANOTHER HAMSTER! Needless to say, it was a more or less risk-free experiment, but, being a professional, Lomagoz took pride in being mentally aware of her experiments while she was preparing them. All of a sudden, Zebbeh entered the room. This had no effect on the experiment. Two minutes later, Midi entered the room. This DID have an effect on the experiment, seeing as Midi had figured out an ingenious way of turning a hamster into… ANOTHER HAMSTER!! Lomagoz immediately realized that Midi could help her fulfill her life-long dream of turning a hamster into…ANOTHER HAMSTER, and she started focusing on the experiment again. Even Zebbeh looked up from his newspaper, sensing that something was about to happen. The financial potential in this scientific coup was astronomical, and it might even help cure several known, and unknown, diseases. As they were approaching the final stages of the experiment, Midi had to take a little breather. When he resumed the experiment, he reassured the others that he knew what he was doing, but the slightest movement in the room could have fatal consequences for all of them, even Zebbeh. Lomagoz told him “go ahead”, and Midi started bringing the experiment into its final stage. At that exact moment, Mr. Svin came crashing through the window…
