Stories From The Head

Back In Tazmania

At first, Gome didn’t at all mind living in Sweden. But now, after 37 years in exile away from his beloved fatherland, Tazmania, he really had problems with completing his agenda. Gome looked at the wall, and he just KNEW what he had to do... He went downstairs to his basement, and started looking for potatoes. Gome spent his entire afternoon in the cellar, and by midnight, he had filled up his rucksack to the rim. He prepared himself for what he knew would be the biggest day of his life. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, raped his closest family and got off. He drove half an hour-way down the road, and when he reached the chicken-farm, he pulled the handbrake. Getting in was easy, he just broke one of the windows at the local coffee shop, and forced the owner, a 78-year old lady, to break down the door at the chicken-farm. The lady panicked, so Gome was forced to kill her. He didn’t mind, although he had never killed a person below 97 before. He enjoyed it. Well, back to the chicken-farm: Gome started pissing the bazoo-chickens in their HEADS! And the marby-chickens were also punished in a proper manner. Now, after 37 years, Gome could finally return to Tazmania...

